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Before the face of God
September 26, 2013
The Tree PrayerKedric Webster
The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. -- Psalm 24:1
And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. -- Genesis 1:11
September 17, 2013
Join the creedal revolutionKedric Webster
Worship is not defined by its proximity or assimilation to the wider context. Instead, worship from its earliest manifestation in New Testament times has been marked by protest against the wider culture...
This aspect of Christian worship finds expression in various forms. The public reading of God's Word is one. God's Word comes to us from outside, confronts us with God's revelation, and challenges all human attempts to reach him by human effort or to remake him in human image. When the Word is read in the congregation, the claims of the ...
September 16, 2013
Things that make you go Na-humKedric Webster
A God of jealousy and one who takes vengeance is the LORD; one who takes vengeance is the LORD and a master of wrath. One who takes vengeance is the LORD toward his adversaries; and he reserves wrath for his enemies. -- Nahum 1:2
The impact of Nahum's poetic structure is felt immediately as the prophet opens with a picture of God's person as judge. He is a God of jealousy, one who takes vengeance, a master of wrath who reserves (wrath) for his enemies.
Generally jealousy conveys a negative image. The jealous man makes ...
September 04, 2013
Music I Identify WithKedric Webster
I have come to indentify several songs that, for the most part, represent some of my interests and passions. The music will be featured in videos with a description and my reasoning behind playing it.
Although the video is a bit stereotypical of what people think of Africa (the white researcher with the lovely young assistant, some time decades past, doing research work in the middle of the "jungle"), the song itself is pretty cool. Having been to Uganda in 2008 and interacting with people from there, Kenya, and Tanzania, East Africa has ...
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